Hello! I’m a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Phonetics Lab in the UC Davis Department of Linguistics. I received my Ph.D in Linguistics in 2018 from UC Davis, as well. [bio]

My research program tests how people produce, perceive, and learn speech patterns with voice technology. In particular, I am interested in the flexibility of the speech system based on of top-down factors. These include of real (or assumed) barriers (e.g., ASR errors), perceptions of the social attributes of another talker (e.g., human-likeness, emotional expressiveness), and individual variation (e.g., by age, cognitive characteristics).

Broadly, my research focus is in the areas of psycholinguistics, phonetics, and human-computer interaction using experimental methods to probe speech behavior. For a list of papers, see Research.


mdcohn at ucdavis dot edu


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